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Former Vice-President of Congolese Bemba has been Given a Punishment

Former Vice-President of Congolese Bemba has been Given a Punishment

Former Vice-President of Congolese Bemba has been Given a Punishment

Judges at the International Criminal Court sentenced Pierre Bemba, former vice president of the Republic of Congo, to 12 months in prison.

Bemba will not go to prison because he was detained for 10 years before he was acquitted of war charges in 2018.


Center for Africa Studies (AFRAM) which located in Ankara, is an organization facilitating under the administration of African Affairs Council (AFAC). It makes various researches about Africa to enhance economic and cultural bounds between Africa and Turkey. AFRAM’s publishings has been shared with different institutions as they require to obtain.


Africa Observatory is one the publishing of AFRAM and it has been published each two weeks. It has been delivered to different institutions via e-mail.

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