A Boost For The African Economy Future

A Boost For The African Economy Future
A Boost For The African Economy Future

The African economy looks towards a bright future with the collaboration between the UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development) with the Nigerian-based CSEA (Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa). They will look to use the strengths and benefits each organisation brings to the table to better help the economy grow, sustain and develop.
The collaboration with CSEA is due to recent studies that show that the Western part of Africa has a much better economy growth compared to its Sub-Saharan counterpart, the most part in thanks to Nigeria, which shows a 2.3% year on year GDP growth in the third quarter of 2019. The collaboration will look to help the lesser developed countries in addition to devising plans on “assisting the economy overcome the commodity-based growth pattern”. In the long run the research will hope to discover further methods to increase and sustain growth and development and reduce the poverty wave in the country.


Center for Africa Studies (AFRAM) which located in Ankara, is an organization facilitating under the administration of African Affairs Council (AFAC). It makes various researches about Africa to enhance economic and cultural bounds between Africa and Turkey. AFRAM’s publishings has been shared with different institutions as they require to obtain.


Africa Observatory is one the publishing of AFRAM and it has been published each two weeks. It has been delivered to different institutions via e-mail.