Rwanda to Invest US $440m in Water Supply Projects

Rwanda to Invest US $440m in Water Supply Projects
Rwanda to Invest US $440m in Water Supply Projects

The government of Rwanda has announced plans to invest US $440m in constructing water
treatment plants and supply systems in urban and rural areas in bid to ensure access to clean water across the country.

Patricie Uwase, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Infrastructure revealed the reports and said that the government has earmarked funds to build more water treatment plants following an upgrade on Nzove plant and the ongoing construction of Kanzenze plant that will provide some 40,000 cubic metres to Kigali city and Bugesera District.

Since 2016 under the new water and sanitation policy we have been increasing investments. For instance, we are investing US $440m in the next three years starting the next fiscal year. US $282m will be invested in water infrastructures in urban areas and $139m invested in water infrastructures in rural areas,” said Patricie Uwase.


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